Preparing for Tax Season It’s that time of year. That big box of receipts lurking in the shadows of your office is calling’s taaaax tiiiiime, taaaaax tiiime! Before you know it, you’ll be stuck going through a big mess of papers. And then you’ll have a big bill from your CPA after he/she has spent hours reconstructing last tax year’s information to prepare this year’s tax … [Read more...]
A Writeup Project: Migrating your Accounting Data
So, you’ve got boxes of records and bags of receipts, and every year, tax time hits you and your small company like a ton of bricks. After tax time ends, you’re left with a hefty bill from your CPA and a nagging feeling that you forgot something. Did you capture all of your deductions? What about that time you paid for that new office computer or that lunch for a client in cash? Wait, how many … [Read more...]
Switch over to QuickBooks and Get a Fresh Start!
Are you finding it hard to keep track of your accounting data? Spreadsheets, bank statements, shoeboxes of receipts? Not having an organized accounting system can waste valuable time and money, causing frustration. We recommend our clients use QuickBooks accounting software to enjoy simple, stress-free accounting data management. Benefits QuickBooks is an accounting software designed to help … [Read more...]
Getting Organized for Your Fiscal Year-End
The holidays are almost here, so bookkeeping is probably the last thing on your mind! But for those of you whose business’ financial records run by the calendar year, there’s no time like the present to start thinking about how to manage your accounting. Tax season will be here before you know it. With all of the holiday hubbub, you can easily lose track of important records, or just shrug off … [Read more...]